4 Ponds Farm

A grass fed beef farm

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4PondsFarm, located in Southwestern Ontario, is where the Probst family maintains a purebred herd of Scottish Highland cattle. They are grass fed and naturally raised without hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. This breed is very well adapted and has been kept true to form since recorded history, never losing its ability to thrive on grass alone. Furthermore, studies show that Highland beef is lower in fat and cholesterol and higher in protein and iron than other beef. The result is richly favoured and well-marbled beef.

Our beef is dry aged and is cut and wrapped to your specifications by the half. Our animals are generally 18 months old or younger and the sides weigh from 175 to 275 lbs.

We have waiting list only available for sides of beef for October 2024. Contact us for more information.

We currently have ground beef availalbe in one pound packages. Contact us for more information. SOLD OUT
